For an inspirational and engaging presentation, book Sarika to speak at your next event! Below are presentations she is able to customize based on your needs. Contact us today by sharing more information about your event needs by filling out the form at the bottom below. We look forward to partnering with you to elevate your next event!

Hear You Roar, See You Soar
Unleashing the authentic diverse leader in you! We are all diverse and can lead at any level at all phases of our lives. This presentation will inspire attendees of all ages to self-reflect on their purpose, values, relationships and what they want their legacy to be as we explore the 3CCs (cultural chains, corporate chains, and community chains). How one should courageously “roar” to reinvent oneself to lead authentically, especially in the face of adversity. When you can be your unique self, it emboldens you to empower others while modeling the way to “soar” as a change agent making impact in your life, school, work and global community. Hear you roar, see you soar!
Meet Diversity’s Friends: Equity, Inclusion & Engagement
Diversity has become such a “buzz” word which makes it difficult for many to realize its value, let alone personally resonate with it themselves. Additionally, diversity in of itself is not the magic ingredient. In this thought-provoking presentation, we’re bringing the diversity pendulum back into balance! We’ll explore the strategic impact and value of leveraging diversity as an asset with equitable, inclusive and engaging solutions to ensure a successful journey in the workplace and/or region. Find out what kind of workplace/regional culture your journey has cooked up: a melting pot, layered salad or tossed salad.

Thawing the Frozen Middle
Middle managers over time have received a negative reputation for being keepers of the status quo. The reality is they are a vital layer to any organization as they have multiple touch points throughout the entity with diverse stakeholders impacting the workplace culture.
Additionally, due to globalization, technology and changing demographics, this makes the manager’s role even more critical as our workforce and marketplace are part of the global economy. This presentation will provide insightful tips and applicable tools to inspire middle managers to drive equity, diversity, inclusion & engagement while enhancing their global leadership skills.
Coming to America: The Spicy Curry in the Midwest
Experience an immigrant’s cultural journey from India in pursuit of the American dream! This presentation is an eye-opener interwoven with humor, passion, empathy and seriousness. Real experiences, dynamic stories and reflective thoughts highlighting the trials and tribulations of navigating the personal and professional dynamics of an immigrant growing up and living in today’s America. A presentation that will enthrall audiences of all backgrounds across all industries/organizations!